An untreated clincally mentally ill graduate young male student despondent
about his future (and he's right), Of course it has something to do with
economic and social decline in our society ===>
and since most of our mass murderers have a level of depressive symptoms,
notice how nearly that compares to the profile for a terrorist domestic or
foreign, and voila ! ===>
Freely available materiel online, at gun shops, gun shows, etc for
massacres. If not economic, then moral decline, with the same profile. Pick
your poision. And while there obviously must be some pathological process here,
remember there is still a fine line between mental illness and criminal
This may be complex, but it is not
rocket science; many of the gun owning public are responding with selfish
defensive statements about their cherished collections during a time of
mourning which makes it morally repugmant. I find myself arguing with gun owners who put up both simplistic and elaborate justifications, but it all
boils down to me, me, me.
Let’s frame the argument over the necessity
for regulation, which is reserved to the government by the Second Amendment, to
describe the gun as simply a tool usually employed for a specific job. It
should follow then that for a task such as attaching two pieces of paper
together, you only need a stapler, not a nail gun. This makes the use of a nail
gun inversely proportional to the task at hand. This is the argument against “assault”
Put another way, if you need to
attach some drywall to a beam, you may find that using a hammer is the correct
tool to drive in the nails. However, if you are installing a hinge or working
with glass, you will prefer to use screws and bolts and different implements.
The NRA will have you believing that if everyone had a hammer, then all
projects might be successful. But using simple reasoning it follows that by
having various tools in your toolbox, and ensuring that you have been
shown how to manipulate them correctly, that you will have a greater certainty of
completing your project successfully and safely.
Unfortunately the gun enthusiasts seem unable
to see past their selfishness to extend the protection that their activity and
ownership afford them to others in society who may need safety from weapons
inappropriately acquired and used. How many more children need to die senselessly at mass shootings, from accidental discharges, from misplaced rounds into residences, parks, and the like ?
The Numbers
Wayne LaPierre and the NRA
The Last Word
The Numbers
Wayne LaPierre and the NRA
The Last Word
This time I appreciate Mayor Bloomberg's
advocacy to try and set a fire under the calculating politicians either afraid of
their controlling base (and corresponding base emotions) or of sparking a
backlash, pushback, or whatever you worry about igniting. It's time for leadership and implementation and it's long past time
to set this right. Close the loopholes about so-called "private gun
sales" which are anything but private, enforce the laws already on the
books and eliminate those "nod and a wink" procedures (or change them to facilitate enforcement), and reinstate the expired
assault weapons ban. Anything less is simply more obstructionism or avoidance,
take your pick.
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